Monday, December 16, 2013

The Affects of Free Will

Free Will

noun. the ability to choose how to act; the ability to make choices that are not controlled by fate or God

How free will affects Amir: 

Amir is affected by free will in making choices and decisions that create major turning points in the novel. Amir on his  own free will, makes good choices but also makes choices that have a major negative impact on many peoples' lives.

pg. 77 - "I had one last chance to make a decision. One final opportunity to decide who I was going to be. I could step into that alley, stand up for Hassan-the way he'd stood up for me all those times in the past-and accept whatever would happen to me. Or I could run. In the end, I ran."
Amir had the choice to either stand up for Hassan and help him, or run away from the scene. Amir on his own free will, chose to run and abandon Hassan in the alley. If Amir had stood up for Hassan when Assef and his "gang" were bullying him, many things in Baba, Ali, Hassan, and Amir's lives would have turned out differently.

pg. 93 - " I let the tears break free, rocked back and forth on my knees. "What am I going to do with you, Hassan? What am I going to do with you?" But by the time the tears dried up and I trudged down the hill, I knew the answer to that question."
Amir realizes that no matter how hard he tries to get Hassan to hit him back with the pomegranates, Hassan will never hurt him back. This realization leads to Amir deciding that he should make Hassan leave which would make the situation easier for both of them.    

pg. 192 - "My suspicion had been right all those years. He knew about Assef. the kite, the money, the watch with the lightening bolt hands. He had always known. Come. There is a way to be good again, Rahim Khan had said on the phone just before hanging up. Said it in a passing, almost as an afterthought. A way to be good again."
Rahim Khan calls Amir and tells him he is very sick and that he wants Amir to come to Pakistan. During the call, he also mentions that there is a way to be good again, and this confirms Amir's suspiscions that Rahim Khan had known about everything that had happened in Afghanistan. After receiving the call, Amir by his own free will, decides to go to Pakistan to see Rahim Khan.

pg. 320 - "I'd been looking for the right time, the right moment to ask the question that had been buzzing around in my head and keeping me up at night. I decided the moment was now, right here, right now, with the bright lights of the house of God shining on us. "Would you like to come live in America with me and my wife?" He didn't answer. He sobbed into my shirt and I let him.
Amir had decided to bring Sohrab to the United States to live with him and Soraya, after he found out that the American couple that was supposed to take care of Sohrab did not exist. Amir did not know when to ask Sohrab but when Sohrab opened up to Amir, he decided to take this chance to ask him. 

Pictures: (Amir witnessing Hassan's rape)
Amir witnesses Hassan getting raped and he runs away in fear of Assef hurting him.  (After Amir throws pomergrantes at Hassan)
Amir on his free will, decides to make Hassan leave which would make forgetting the rape easier for mainly himself but also Hassan. (Rahim Khan's phone call)
Amir decides to go to Pakistan after he gets a call from Rahim Khan that he is very ill. (Sohrab opens up)
Sohrab opens up to Amir and Amir chooses to ask Sohrab if he wants to live with him and his wife in America.

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